Thursday, 22 March 2012

Local Business man supports South African Entrepreneurs

A local business man felt so strongly of the importance of access to good education, finance and expertise for business start ups that he not only sponsored a cycle ride to fund education and budding entrepreneurs in a South African township but he also took part.

The sponsored cycle ride for Masiphumelele, which translates from the Xhosa to ‘we will succeed’ took in 155 miles of Yorkshire countryside from Harrogate to Bempton (nr Flamborough) and back.

’ Steve Kent, MD of Kent Building Developments Ltd said ‘I know from my own personal experience that business start up’s with access to business mentors, finance and expertise succeed. I think business translates across the world with all business owners thinking and acting along the same lines. If I can help someone else succeed in business through good education and guidance then I feel a real sense of achievement. As well as education, one of Masicorps objectives is to expand small business start-ups and business development work and I know there is a strong demand in the township for this sort of help. 
To date the group of friends raised £4,000.00  for Masicorp. The cycle ride was sponsored by three local businesses, Kent building Developments Ltd, Yorkshire solicitors Chadwick Lawrence with overnight respite provided by Bempton House B&B.

Steve Kent added ‘After heavy rain for one hour on Saturday morning, the weather during the weekend of 18th and 19th March was kind to us. We were very lucky, considering that most of us are infrequent cyclists, we had no punctures, no injuries, no breakdowns and no accidents!’

MASICORP has over 12 years’ experience working in the township. Our approach has been to ask the community where and how they need support and, from this, we know the residents want a hand-up not a handout. We know that they see education as the route out of poverty.
Education is what we do: we built a library and education resource centre where over 20 programs are available free to residents; we have an important project to help improve education in the 30+ township crèches; we have a highly successful university bursary program and we work with and in the township’s primary and high schools.

Steve Kent of Kent Building Developments Ltd has an extensive background in Building and Civil Engineering Design and Construction. He has worked on some of the UK’s largest projects. Steve and the rest of the team have a huge knowledge base enabling the company to offer a unique Design Consultancy and Construction Service, including Architectural Design and Contract Management.
Kent Building Developments Ltd
Threshers Barn,
Low Moorgate,
YO17 8JW
Telephone 01944 759 259

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