Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Government to End Self build Tax - GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK

As you will by now be aware, on April 15th the Government announced that it proposes to exempt self builders from paying the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
CIL, which was introduced under the Labour Government but began to be implemented by some councils in January 2012 (and now affects thousands of self builders in dozens of local authorities), raised a levy on new homes set at a standard charge per m2 of new development. On average, self builders and developers affected by CIL were being asked to pay £100-150/m2 – typically adding 10-15% onto build costs. Homebuilding & Renovating and NaSBA have been campaigning on this issue.

The result is that the Government now proposes to scrap CIL for self builders but, as part of the legislative process, has launched a consultation on the change. We are keen for as many self builders (all of whom could be affected by CIL charges in the future) and companies with an interest in the self build industry (which has seen many projects postponed or downsized as a result of CIL) to respond. If the consultation is not in favour of the self build exemption, CIL may well affect 1,000s of self builders in years to come.

NaSBA are co-ordinating the consultation process. We urge you to take two minutes to comment.

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